◐ The Function of the Planets in Astrology & What They Represent ◑
The role of the Planets in Astrology is to show us WHAT is happening. They are the themes & the driving force in our lives. Planets represent topics, ideas, & principles that exist within us & the world around us. Planets not only rule topics, but they rule over the Zodiac Signs as well. When I describe each planet, I will also tell which sign it rules. Think of the rulership as the Planets have manifested their principles into an expression for the sign that it rules. Each & every person on this Earth will have ALL of the Planets & Signs energies. The way the energy acts within us will differ from person to person depending on what signs, houses, & aspects they are in. The differences in our charts make the planet's energy expression unique to each individual. The planets are always moving at different speeds. When they move, they occupy different Zodiac Signs for different len...